Daily activities and the mind should go together
In order to achieve the benefits of meditation, you must practise meditation on a daily basis. You cannot miss even for a day.
Your Son Is From Dusita Heaven
The day before she gave birth to our baby, I had a dream that I went to select jewelry in a palace. The next day, my wife gave birth to our son. On the day of our son’s birth, our whole family chanted in the delivery room.
Why our temple does not have walking meditation? and why there is someone leading us through the instructions with his voice while we are supposed to be seated quietly during the sitting meditation?
I invited my friend to the temple for meditation. He wondered why our temple does not have walking meditation. On top of that, he would like to know why there is someone leading us through the instructions with his voice while we are supposed to be seated quietly during the sitting meditation?
How to Meditate
Let’s give ourselves a try. Firstly we must know the real nature of the mind. It is bright, clear and in the sphere form like a tiny crystal ball. Normally, the mind
The Peaceful Mind Begins from Being Good
A good person is a person with a clean or pure mind. A pure mind enables anyone to know how to respond well to his duty and to our society. There is goodness within every human being. How do we encourage bringing this goodness into consistent practice?
Meditation Testimonials from Kalayanamitras in Congo
Meditation Testimonials from Kalayanamitras in Congo. Let's see what they say and you will know that race is not the obstacle for your true happiness. Rejoice in your merit!!
What is Meditation?
What is Meditation? When you are talking about meditation, you have to understand first that meditation is not the matter to the hermit or the ordained ones only But meditation is the way to train and develop your mind to become more stable,
Aren’t Buddhists Taught To Go To Temples?
“You are Buddhist, but why don’t you know the principle and the conducts of Buddhism? You were born a Buddhist but you still don’t know it. Whom can I ask about it then? If you ask me about Islam, I can answer all of your questions. Let me ask something. Aren’t Buddhist taught to go to temples?”
Bad Thoughts
This world is a collection of people with flaws greed, anger, delusions, jealousy. Men and women, we all have flaws.
The Ten Assignments for all Meditators
The Ten Homework Assignments for Meditation Practitioners To improve our meditation experience, we must always observe how well we meditate every day.